Daisies in Bloom
Discover the captivating charm of our stunning bouquet, featuring radiant gerbera daisies perfectly complemented by gorgeous carnations, delicate tanacetum, and the rich hues of purple statice and limonium fillers.
The dazzling colors and varied textures of this bouquet make it the perfect choice to cheer someone up and brighten their day. Whether you're sending it to celebrate a special occasion, convey heartfelt wishes, or simply to bring a smile to a loved one's face, this bouquet is sure to deliver happiness and warmth.
Enjoy having these flowers delivered right to your doorstep with our same day delivery service! Don't miss the opportunity to share the joy and beauty of this exceptional bouquet with those who mean the most to you.
H: 60cm | W: 65cm
Each arrangement is an individual made specially and exclusively for you. Final product may not resemble the picture shown entirely.
Kindly note that our florists will need at least 8 hours to prepare your order for same day deliveries.
Please feel free to WA us at +62 818-0675-4632 if you require a specific delivery time.
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Why Choose Petite Fleur
Same Day Delivery Available
Enjoy having the flowers delivered right to your doorstep with our same-day delivery service.
Uniquely Curated Blooms
Our bouquets are specially curated for your special occasions. With a keen eye and strong sense of colour and design, and a genuine passion for flowers, it has proved to be a winning combination.
Highly Skilled Florist
Highly Skilled Florist